Contact & suport

Our areas of support to our users.

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+1 (779)-703-4922

Media support

Currently we don't offer media support as it's an internal app for now.

Other questions? We can help you

If you have any other questions you can direct them to our team.

Talk with media

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Talk with support

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+1 (779)-703-4922

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Other questions? We can help you

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Contact & suport

Our areas of support to our users.

Talk with media

Talk with media

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Talk with support

Talk with support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

+1 (779)-703-4922

Get support

Get support

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Other questions? We can help you

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Contact & suport

Contact & suport

Our areas of support to our users.

Our areas of support to our users.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Some of the frequently asked question about the app.

Some of the frequently asked question about the app.

How do I get invited to Dial360?

How do I get invited to Dial360?

Invitations to Dial360 are managed by administrators. Please reach out to your team lead or HR department to request an invitation.

Invitations to Dial360 are managed by administrators. Please reach out to your team lead or HR department to request an invitation.

Can I create multiple groups on Dial360?

Can I create multiple groups on Dial360?

Yes, Dial360 allows users to create and manage multiple groups, fostering efficient communication across various teams or projects.

Yes, Dial360 allows users to create and manage multiple groups, fostering efficient communication across various teams or projects.

Is my communication on Dial360 secure?

Is my communication on Dial360 secure?

Absolutely. Dial360 prioritizes security, ensuring that all communications within the app are confidential and accessible only to authorized users within the organization.

Absolutely. Dial360 prioritizes security, ensuring that all communications within the app are confidential and accessible only to authorized users within the organization.

When will the audio and video call feature be available?

When will the audio and video call feature be available?

The audio and video call feature is in development and will be rolled out in the upcoming updates. Stay tuned for announcements regarding its release.

The audio and video call feature is in development and will be rolled out in the upcoming updates. Stay tuned for announcements regarding its release.

How do I troubleshoot common issues on Dial360?

How do I troubleshoot common issues on Dial360?

Visit our support page for a comprehensive list of FAQs and troubleshooting guides. If your issue persists, you can reach out to our support team via email at [].

Visit our support page for a comprehensive list of FAQs and troubleshooting guides. If your issue persists, you can reach out to our support team via email at [].

Can I access Dial360 on multiple devices?

Can I access Dial360 on multiple devices?

Currently no, Dial360 is only accessible on 1 device per session. Simply download the app on your preferred platform and log in with your credentials for seamless communication.

Currently no, Dial360 is only accessible on 1 device per session. Simply download the app on your preferred platform and log in with your credentials for seamless communication.

Other questions? We can help you

If you have any other questions you can direct them to our team.